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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Sunday, August 3, 2014

tailgate Gratitude

The booths at the Tailgate Market that have lines before we open are usually the fresh produce booths.  And the fresh baked goods.

There was an inordinate amount of people in Black Mountain yesterday, for an overcast cool day...and everyone dropped by the Tailgate Market.  Amazing.

Charles talking with Marsha

Our Mud Buddies did well.

Marsha's grandchildren had their annual lemonade booth, with a canopy in case of rain.  But Marsha said "It's not going to rain."  Just like that.  Like the sky is grey...she knew.  We all believed her.  And she was right.  I'm listening to her more often!

But because it was cool, less lemonade sold than if it had been typical August weather.  However, it was better than last year when it rained on the kids booth.

We also were blessed to have a bee demonstration, complete with hive within a glass case, and extractor, and the bee suits that kids got to try on.

And did I mention live music right next to our booth!  We were serenaded by one of my favorite acoustic groups (and I can't think of their name right now.)  No mikes so we were still able to hear all the customers questions.

Of course one person always says "is this lead free?"  Yes, everything is food safe and dishwasher safe. (Except the decorative raku wares, of course.)
A cute little fella in line with me for baked goodies (for his owner of course)
 I enjoyed the best gluten free carrot and walnut muffin from Auntie "M"s pie and baked goods booth.  And I took home a couple of her brownies which are unbelievable that they're gluten free.  I also had to get some fresh and frozen seafood, and some locally grown organic produce...I came home tired and happy.

Good friends would sit and listen to the music while children danced and played


  1. What a great day :) Gluten-free does NOT have to taste bad, you just have to buy your own ingredients and bake yourself. I make my own bread and have never tried any gf bread from the store, and mine is excellent :) Try the Gluten-free on a shoestring blog and cookbooks! :)

    1. good to know...though I'm sliding into gluten free, mainly have been trying wheat free as part of new diet to reduce symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome...and it has lots of strange things to eat and not eat...low-FODMAP is the name of the diet I'm now on. And I do feel a lot better already after 2 weeks!


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