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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Monday, January 7, 2013

The cloverleaf bowls

A great way to reheat vegetarian Chinese food (Bean curd, homestyle) in the microwave.  Lovely use of some bowls that I've had sitting on a shelf for a while.  (I took two out for my personal testing)

So now I know these are great to use, are easy to clean, and food looks pretty good in them too.  Much wider and flatter than my "mug-bowls" so it was different having a serving that was almost like a plate, but had raised edges.  The bottoms aren't trimmed with a foot, just are nice and flat so they're easy to move along an oven rack.  I'd give them a thumbs up.

Oh, I have promoted these as a way to make a pot pie, so that's on my agenda later this week.  I'll try to take pictures too.


  1. love wide bowls! food cools faster too.
    clover bowls :) good name too!

    1. Thhanks Sandy...not sure it's a good thing sometimes for food to cool faster...but for the dense vegies of Chinese food, it stayed warm enough till I was finished eating! Hope you have a happy New Year!

  2. I love wide bowls and always seem to make them too narrow. I've been noticing food looks good in one color pieces of pottery, the color and shape of your bowl is great.

  3. It's a much nicer experience eating from beautiful bowls and drinking from beautiful mugs. It all just tastes better and is somehow more comforting :)

    Your cloverleaf bowls are so lovely. That soft glaze, very pretty.
    And, oh my, that veggie stir fry does look soooo good!

  4. Just love these pretty bowls; especially like the soft green color. I'd love to try them out!


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