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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Sunday, January 6, 2013

OK, inspirational books

I was asked to review these two books for Amazon.  Then I found that since I hadn't bought anything form Amazon in years, I'm kind of locked out from writing reviews.

So here's what I would have said.

Marilee Bresciani writes in Rushing to Yoga and Surrendering to the Call, her own invigorating dynamic stories which are woven together using yoga type ideas.  She writes in first person, sharing many interactions with friends which provide dialog for the ideas to be demonstrated, each of which becomes a chapter.  I enjoyed these stories, but can't personally relate to them.  Her life is delightful, but very different than mine.  I did get some inspiration, but also my head would have been spinning if I lived with so many relationships and friendships as Marilee must have.  Unfortunately both of these books were not edited for correct spelling and it became more and more distracting as I read them.  When the word "while" was written as "whine" it became evident that a spell-check program had gone berserk.  I hope Marilee keeps sharing her ideas and gets a good editor.


  1. I am always making typos and my Gary finds them every time. A good editor is important for sure.

  2. Incredible to have such obvious spelling mistakes. It would bug me too.

    Your review is well written and honest. I like that. It gives a potential buyer an honest appraisal and the chance to make an informed decision.

    As Linda said, it is very important to have a good editor.
    Pity your review won't make it onto Amazon. If nothing else, the author would hopefully have read it and get that editor for revised editions or future books.

    1. Thanks Vicki...nice to have my "review" reviewed. This could get kind of circular, couldn't it?

  3. I also found "Rushing to yoga" all over the place...

    Bresciani has some interesting ideas but sometimes I found it exhausting to follow the conversation...
    Very accurate and honest review :-)
    Thumbs up!


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