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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hiding them away

I have 2 other new pots, which I'm hiding away for now.

I hope they may make it into the gallery exhibit that opens in 2 weeks at the Black Mountain Center for the Arts, of student and teacher's clay work.  The theme is public knowledge...A Tea Party.

One of my pots is a Mad Hatter.  I have offered some pictures of him for press releases by BMCA.  (I think you already saw him before he was glazed, or even bisque fired.)  Anyway, I promise to let you see him as soon as the gallery exhibit opens.

I already showed you the Dormouse Teapot a couple of days ago, who does meet qualifications for the Tea Party..

I have another piece which I think looks like a small marble sculpture, though it's just a figure modeled and glazed with Satin White glaze.  She isn't part of a Tea Party theme, so may not make it in this gallery exhibit.   I think she's the best sculpted figure I've made yet.  I want to consider her art and wait till she can be in a gallery, rather than having her on a sales table with functional pieces.

So she's hidden away until she has an appropriate opportunity.  That doesn't mean I won't let you see her sooner or later!

Today I worked on buttons again, and snowflakes.  I got a bit flaky and made a Yin/Yang symbol, and a rose, just playing around with the silhouettes that cutting flat shapes provided.


  1. You've captured the folds in your sculpture's gown beautifully - look forward to seeing the rest of her.

    Hidden pots - very exciting. I'm sure they will be accepted into the exhibit :)

  2. love that satin glaze, hope your hidden pieces are successful, they are all art.

  3. I can't wait to see the finished mad hatter! The glaze on your figure does look like marble - just beautiful!


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