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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Dillsboro Pottery Festival

Who is this potter giving a demonstration?  (seriously, I'd like to know)

Or can you name THIS potter giving a demonstration?

Ha, I actually know the name of this potter giving a demo.  This is Ron Philbeck.  I have enjoyed his blogs, and introduced myself earlier in the day. Don't miss his very unique work which may be seen here.

And he made a great bowl with decorations suggested by the granddaughters of a friend of mine.  I took movies too.  But I haven't got a movie editing program so I can post it (yet) here.  However, I haven't given up yet.  I will spend some time later in the week trying to get this figured out. 

For now, here are some more fun pics from the great day at the festival.  I saw lots of friends, as well as some interesting people I didn't know.  I saw LOTS of pottery too.

A man looking for a woman, eh?

Fellow potter, Pat.

Yes, they got together.

Bette and Cathy (and I) are resting by the restaurant which was closed.  This ended up being really fortuitous (wait till later!)

I couldn't miss Cathy's ponytail whenever she disappeared in the crowds.

As many of these 5 hour trips have happen, the pictures need to be divided into different blog postings.

So this post will focus upon my friends.

Samantha, Marsha and Bette share some smiles.

Tomorrow, more about lunch, and a craft store, and the Smokey Mountains Railroad!

Fabulous weather, I felt like I probably got a sunburn, 68 degrees out there!


  1. Great photos Barbara. It was nice to meet you yesterday.

    1. Thanks...hope you had good sales, which I forgot to wish you earlier. After all, that's your business!

  2. Ha Ron was the only one I could recognize too, perhaps in person I might have known, you look great in the pink scarf, what a fun day and a railroad, Gary and I love taking railroad trips on old steam trains and we haven't done that in years.

  3. Thanks, Linda. This isn't a steam train...haven't seen one in ages myself. But the cars all looked so polished and clean, it reminded me of the old days of rail. And then friends said, go from Chicago area across western Canada. Sounds like a dream.

  4. I love North Carolina. What a wonderful place for a potter to live! I am pretty sure that I have been to Dillsboro but cannot place it. Is it near Boone?
    Thanks for the nudge to start my own blog. I hope you will check it out! Gayle

    1. Well, Dillsboro is close to Boone if you are from New Zealand. Otherwise, not so much. From Asheville, Boone is north, and Dillsboro is west. But they are both in the same mountain chain! I'll definitely look at your blog, Gayle!


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