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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Creative granddaughter

I'm so lucky/blessed to have four granddaughters and two grandsons.  They each have special talents which shine in their lives.

My granddaughter who is about to graduate from High School in Ohio, has a creative bent, and had several ceramic pieces in the "Ohio Governor’s Youth Art Exhibition.

Caroline’s teapot was awarded the top 25 Governor’s Award of Excellence.

I loved the design and the whimsey of the wheels! Very cool teapot!

For her prom, there were little moons in her hair as well as all over her dress (and tiny necklace!)

Today's quote:
People forget years and remember moments.
-Ann Beattie, novelist (b. 8 Sep 1947)

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

From being a potter to supporting the art

 Well, I already know how to make lots of things...whether I ever did or not. 

I had twelve good years after I retired. I never made myself into a great potter. I was more into exploring different shapes and glaze combinations. And once I found a few styles I liked, I did do more of them. 

When I haven't been making pots in my life, say as long as I can remember as an adult, I've purchased pottery from others...the ones going to shows to sell their wares mainly. But sometimes I've visited their studios or shops. So a local show was held last weekend, which of course had been closed during the pandemic. 

And after oohing and aaahing over a lot of beautiful things, I ordered one from Charlie Tefft, and bought one in person. An otter mug this time. I had an older mug (made in 2018) by Charlie, and it's pretty much the same shape.

New otter on the left, old crow on the right!

The tails wrap around the sides...

These are definitely right handed mugs...because that's where the animals greet me!

2018 at top, and 2022 at bottom. Not much difference.

I won't even discuss the price difference...but it's doubled!

However I wanted a cat mug, because the first mug I'd bought from Charlie even before the crow, had been a cute little black cat sitting looking at me, but it had broken by accident.

So Charlie just sent me a photo of this, and will ship it to me!

I love it! Now I have to decide whether to use these for coffee, or treasure them on a shelf where I can see them! As my friend Helen says, I can use them and feel really special. Maybe!

Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Potters of Madison County...and beyond

After two years of cancelation, some of the local potters displayed their works. Many were still missing. I hope they are still making pots.

There weren't as many as the last time I'd come to that show. But the ones who were there had beautiful first class wares on display. And they'd been there the day before as well. 

My three headed selfie...Cathy, myself and Helen (partial)

Charlie Tefft sold me a lovely otter mug. I had hoped for a cat mug, but that didn't happen this sale. So things are changeable...and the photo was free!

It wasn't as crowded as this show has been in the past, which might be due to having two days for the potters. I loved the beautiful real flowers which were provided for the potters.

Nancy Kubale of Rutherford County

I loved these figures, but they were out of my price range.

I liked these sgafrittto pottery decorations. They're looser than several others that were displayed.

Trista Hudzik and I talked about her red underglaze, which is difficult to obtain due to supply chain slowdown from China.
Katherine Muloney makes beautiful animals, but again her work is highly priced as well as beautiful.

Friends Suzanne and Julia also drove up to Marshall from Black Mountain, in their own car.

Julia and Helen enjoyed talking together...several times!

We enjoyed lunch in Zuma, a favorite with some nice vegetarian choices.

It was fun going on to Flow Gallery, where I saw a pair of earings, shaped like headstones, in sterling silver with the words "RIP Patriarchy" on them. I had to laugh that it would take just the right woman to wear them.

Today's quote:

Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves.

Thich Nat Han

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Dragon Kiln for Chinese pottery

 A clip from China, where huge jars are made by hand, fired in a dragon kiln. Enjoy seeing the process, with subtitles!