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Friday, June 18, 2021

Black or French artists

 Take a break and let's look at some of the ceramic art that was at the Columbia Museum of Art.

In 2017 these mugs are post modern, or maybe post-post modern. I think there is a term for this era, but I don't remember it.

This delicate painting is overwhelmed by the garish I kind of focused in on the painting itself, and like this view better.

I have not seen these 3 Monet's of this island before, but there was only one on exhibit.


  1. Beautiful ceramic cups! The Monet island is lovely too. Have a happy day and great weekend!
    Have a great day!

    1. Glad to see you liked them, and the Monet impressionist painting. I've just a couple more Ceramic photos and then many more Eschers to share here!


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