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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Hail and planters

I've been busy, sorry about no post yesterday.  Here are some pics from the last few days.

Thurs. evening we had a hail storm. It didn't do too much damage to my plants, but a couple of dove eggs came out of the nest and landed on the ground. Sigh.  They will be starting over again soon.

Front porch container garden

All the white on the ground is hail.  Temperature went from 90 to 74 in 2 minutes.  Brrr.

I built a couple of new planters finally. 

These are from recycled clay, and a neighbor was interested in them...I hope she may buy one or the other, but I can sure use them if she doesn't.

Today's Quote:

My religion is nature. That’s what arouses those feelings of wonder and mysticism and gratitude in me.  Oliver Sacks


  1. Hail is such a strange phenomenon. Glad you didn't have more damage, aside from the lost eggs. We had the threat of hail in the last week, but nothing ever materialized.

  2. the other evening here Gary saw rotation in the clouds and dropping down but they went back up, might have been the same storm. I keep meaning to make some planters with holes in the bottom but keep forgetting, perhaps you'll inspire me.

  3. Happy to see that your plants came through. It's so strange to have ice falling in the middle of summer!
    I'm looking forward to the finished planters.

  4. Barbara -- What huge hail stones you experienced -- sad for the dove eggs. I really like your quote by Oliver Sachs -- his words are reflective of my feelings. I bet you are really enjoying your new place! -- barbara


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