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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Unexpected utility problems

There was to be work on the water lines, so we had no access to the laundry room, and were to expect no water from 10:00 - 12:00 today.

But when I woke around 6 with a sense that something was different, I found out another utility problem.  The heat wasn't working, and even the little numbers on the alarm were black.  Yep, a power outage.

I called the Duke Power people, (all recordings of course) and said (without saying a word, cause they have my phone number and address) that the power was off.  I also signed up for text messages as to when it was being worked on as well as when it came back on.  That seemed silly, but then I realized some people still go to work and aren't home when the power is turned back on.

I rolled over and slept till 7:30 or so.  It wasn't really that cold, but the cat insisted on snuggling at my side when she usually is happy up on top of my head on the pillow.  I fed her, and slipped into my  bundled-up gear.

At 8 am I was on the way to the car, and hopefully someplace that had breakfast, as well as heat.  I met the maintenance man on the walk, as he was just arriving for work and finding the office had no power, nor the buildings like mine.  Two other large buildings did have power.  I gave him info that the Duke people had said it had been out since 4:30 am, and was due to be fixed by 11:00.

Then I drove to find a breakfast place.  My first 2 choices were closed still at 8 am.  What?  Don't people eat breakfast at breakfast time in this town?  So Denny's was the best choice.  And they had free wi-fi.  Excellent.

I got a booth and started updating people by emails and facebook.  And when I got done eating I watched some Netflix on my iPad.  Unfortunately it didn't automatically connect to the wi-fi signal, and I didn't think to check that for about an hour.  Oops, used some of our data plan there!

By then it was getting close to 11, so I headed on home.  Ah, the electric company trucks were all over the parking lot...and yet my parking space was empty.  AND right next to the transformer box which was being replaced.  So I parked carefully, watching the old equipment being lifted by the power truck's crane, and not making any limbs come off the tree above us both and land on my car.  And of course I had my camera out.  Apparently the problem was being fixed right at the end of my building.  Once the new transformer box was in place, it took another hour and a half before power was restored.

I did feel for the 4 people (sex undeterminate in the bundled clothes) working in 12 degrees. I know they were cold.  I stopped by the office to say hi to the staff, and to let them know Duke had changed their time of completion to 1:00 pm.

I went on home, and sat on my bed where the sunshine comes directly in and warms it a bit.  I admit to putting my coat across my legs.

Panther found a drawer open and promptly decided it was a warm cozy spot.  I decided I didn't want her making biscuits with her claws in my scarves, and got her back into a sunshine spot and closed the drawer!

The other good news is that I'm feeling so good I even climbed a flight of stairs.  (I was sure out of breath for a while at the top...but I accomplished it...straight up those 24 little guys!)


  1. This is certainly not the weather to be without power! At least the sunshine gave you and your kitty some passive solar heat.

  2. Enjoyed my visit to your blog.

  3. Well done, dealing with the outage. I hope it's back on now!


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