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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Black Holes before breakfast

Einstein and Hawking before breakfast?
Why not?
Well, I can either be writing the blog here, or listening to Steven Hawking over HERE.
Topic, Do Black Holes have No Hair?

It requires total concentration for me to listen to Hawking.  Not just his voice, but the way one sentence takes me totally outside my personal life.  Totally!

The link to the BBC broadcast that I'm using (above) includes a rather comical, and maybe helpful, black board illustration of what is being said.  It's through "Open Culture" which often has some interesting ideas, scientific or literary.  Honestly I don't listen or look at many of them, though the topics do sound intriguing.  Instead I usually go do something mind-numbing.

That's been part of the illness process I've gone through lately.  My body and mind and spirit have been dumbed down.   I've been watching daytime TV even!

But as I somehow am recuperating, I am finding an appetite again.  And I am having a conversation with myself.  You would find it pretty dull, but I can only set one goal for myself each day, and often fall short of that.  I want to do a bit more.  How?  This old body just is so tired so easily...oh yes, coming back isn't just waking up and getting out of the other side of the bed one day!

I imagine now that I'm in rehab from the mysterious virus which laid me out for so long; I now need to rebuild.  Every muscle of my body has barely done a thing for over a month, just survived. I can barely write, let alone model clay or paint glazes.  So I need some kind of routine to actually work my muscles.  No young spring chicken who can just go hike a mile and even do my yoga stretches here!  Nope.  I have to make a plan to do this gradually.

So I'm searching the internet.  Maybe there's someone else who spent a month in bed and is 73 and wants to be able to do pottery again someday.  If not, I'm devising my own routine.

I do have some memories of my physical therapy routines from when my shoulder was frozen last year.  And I can start slowly.  Very very slowly.  But how can I keep at it?  That's always my biggest problem. 

Well, today I got up early with the sun, and yesterday I did also.  That is a new and wonderful feeling.  Perhaps I'll be lucky enough to continue to feel better, and that in itself will help me keep going on a rehab routine of some kind. 

I'm so very grateful to be feeling better.  I am jumping for joy (figuratively speaking of course!)

Any suggestions are welcome.

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