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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! Dragons have been my interest lately, hope no real ones come along!

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Monday, November 2, 2015

All tidied up

Coats can hang behind the front door now.  Thanks to a dear friend who can wield a hammer and drill and screw-driver much better than I can.

Kitchen has lots of personal touches now.

Put out some snacks for folks who might or might not come over, since rain is forecast.

Peek into bedroom to make sure cat is comfy in the bathroom and not able to dash outside.

My desk/laptop/CD player/ fish tank and TV...everything for business and entertainment!
A rather long room is nicely divided by the love seat.

A lovely house blessing was enjoyed by all my guests...and especially me.  Thanks ladies!

Quote for today:

...there are no wrong turns, only unexpected paths.  Mark Nepo


  1. Wow, you got all organized so quickly, love the built in pottery shelf, looks super.

    1. That shelf is definitely a great asset for this apartment! There're still many boxes to sort through...and a couple of piles of tuperware tubs.

  2. You place looks fantastic! So many pots, too! I am so proud to know ya :)

  3. Your new apartment looks so nice! :-)

    1. Thanks and welcome to reading my blog. Get one too!

  4. Oh, the place is just perfect for you. Plenty of room but no wasted space. I love it.

    1. Yes, it filled with friends very nicely yesterday.

  5. It looks wonderful! House blessings to you!

  6. I was thrilled to see so many great pictures of your new place, Barb! I love your apartment and how you've arranged everything! Thanks for sharing and a blessing be on your "house" and all who enter!

  7. Thanks so much, Rosie. Now you can enter also. Virtually anyway. Welcome to mi casa.

  8. Thanks so much, Rosie. Now you can enter also. Virtually anyway. Welcome to mi casa.

  9. Barbara -- Lovely place! Like how you have put everything together. The art work on your walls, your entertainment and computer area, your large bedroom, shelving for your work, and functional kitchen are perfect for you. Oh and the nice large window in your living area -- terrific! You certainly found a wonderful place to enjoy. -- barbara


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