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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Terrain change

Home bound means looking at any diversions outside my windows.And this week I was treated to a show of various machines and workers changing the terrain below my apartment.
After much earth moving, and building of forms, then concrete was dumped and is being spread about.  New steps have been added, where the old asphalt walks had none.  I frown at how that will affect the residents who cart things around like laundry and groceries.

These two strips joined, then the workers left late Saturday.  Again, how is my sweet friend who lives downstairs to the right going to get anywhere until this is finished? There is nothing but a dirt path from the end of the cement to the parking lot where her car is parked.  She uses a cane.

 The young man on the earth mover seems to enjoy his job very much, but also doesn't seem able to solve the problem of how these divergent paths are going to meet and be somewhat level.
My photos don't do justice to the amount of elevation change there is happening.

So someone decided to just raise this ramp to the newly poured walkway.  Good idea.  But there's also that light post that's right there at the end of the sidewalk where the man is bending over.  What are they going to do with it, I wonder?

 I go to lunch and when I return there is a temporary ramp over to one side, but probably just for residents to use until the new one is built.

 And just look at how it's all coming together!  Those walkways are over 2 feet higher in elevation in places, but without the climb up and down where they used to dip.  The guy in the earth mover has done a good job. Hopefully the concrete walks will be easier to use for those who live in those 8 apartments. 

I'll post a picture as soon as it's completed, especially of how they solve the light post in the walkway problem!

Today's Quote:
“There’s nothing to prove, nothing to figure out, nothing to get, nothing to understand.
When we finally stop explaining to ourselves, we may discover that in silence,
complete understanding is already there.”
~Steve Hagen~


  1. I do hope they are working from a plan that will fix everything and make it safe and usable.

  2. Thanks for the pictures. Now I have a better idea of your new digs. I like the cottages better than our apartment where people are upstairs and to either side of us.

  3. You really did get a great overhaul. It looks good now that it is done. It looks so bad when they are in the middle of the rubble work.


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