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Monday, June 23, 2014

Sugar Creamer set

It's all Molly's fault.  I had clay and was wondering what to make, so I said to the woman at the next wheel, what should I make?
She said a sugar creamer set. Since I had 4 balls of clay already wedged, I went to it.

The first lid for this little sugar bowl didn't make it, so this is lid number 2.  Glaze is shiney green inside, and then Satin White over the Green on the outside, which gives lovely variations of color.

I'm selling these as a set...for $30.  Do you think that is a  reasonable price?


  1. In order to figure out the price you need to figure the cost of the materials plus your time to make them at the very least. You also need to think about what your market is willing to pay and it'd be really nice to think about the other potters in your area. Is your price competitive or are you undercutting them a lot and is that okay or not. How much to price something is not always an easy question.

    1. Thanks for your thoughtful response to my ongoing question about pricing. I guess I am moving into a competitive market, obviously making pottery in western North Carolina must be. I will think also about the labor of moving pottery to market each Sat as well as the people who come to Tailgate Markets as my customers.


Thanks for your comments...