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Thursday, June 5, 2014

and more practice

I forgot why I started talking about practice.
I made 21 tiny pots off the hump...well several humps actually.
And what I finally was able to do (almost) is cut the pot off the hump with a smooth even bottom.

When I started, it was lopsided, and needed a lot of trimming.  What!  As much work as making a full size vase, center and trim each little darling.  And you can't sell anything less than 2 inches high for anywhere more than $10.

Then I found even those with skinny necks were hard to trim, unless I threw a chuck that it would stand inside.  So I figured out a short cut...using the rasp that leaves a bit of texture, but is quick enough to take that extra clay off the bottom sides.

Glaze to left is a combo with first being dipped in Floating Blue, then in Raspberry.  The one to the right starts with Floating Blue, then Clear to get a mottled blue effect.  Green in front is Matt Bronze Green on the right, and Glossy Green on the left.  All of these tiny pots were with Little Loafer's clay.

Another favorite glaze combo...these three greenish vases were first dipped in Glossy Green, then into Satin White.  Love the runny mottled mix that comes out!


  1. oh I love the mottled glaze too. I don't think there are enough of those little pots, they are perfect for a single flower at the bedside or in the bathroom.

    1. And many a restaurant around here has a tiny bouquet on their tables in similar pretty little bud pots.

  2. It's not any easier to make a small pot than a larger one. In some cases it's actually harder to make a small one but most people who haven't made pottery don't understand the difficulties. The rasp idea is smart, you can always sand down that texture.

  3. mmmmmmmm love the 3 green ones... I have never found throwing off the hump useful..


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