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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Stuff around the place

I love these silly slinky white nick nacks...or is it gnick gnacks?  Something weird I know.  But here they are, not sold for a bit...and they just look so, I don't know, reminiscent of that lamp I had with a shepherd boy and a dancing woman holding a parisol...ok, maybe not that exactly combination.

My wintered over plants have begun to bloom.  I admit I don't heat my studio daily, so they are lucky to be alive still.

Isn't perspective funny with an iPhone?  Or any lens actually.  Look how those round openings go all whonkey when they are closer to the edge of the photo!


  1. There's something hopeful about plants starting to bloom inside. You have a nice group os pots there.

  2. It's always fun to see other potters collections.


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