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Thursday, January 30, 2014

And serving soup now...

Yes, I couldn't skip having soup in that bowl that's captured my heart.

Just a can of plain old Campbells Chicken Noodle, with a half can of water added, throw in the microwave for 1 min, and voila! 

Oh I need to tell you about the butter colored butter dish.  One of these day's I may get around to selling it, but it's very special.  You see, on the bottom, I scratched out "Make butter into gold." and signed my name.  I love the silliness of that concept.  People seem to go gaga over gold, and butter is still a pretty neat thing, I think.

Isn't that a pretty place mat?  My present for Solstice/Christmas in 2012 from Tai and Kendra.  They wash and fold and are ready to go back on the table, and these days really brighten up things!

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