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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Out with the old

Bust of 2 year old son
This bust was full of maternal emotions.  I kept it for years, though it had fundamental structural flaws...cracks across the forehead and under the eye.

So I have a few pictures left for my portfolio.  And I threw it away a few years ago.

I've had trouble doing this.  I have trouble throwing anything away.  After all I might sometime need just that thing. 

Remember people who collect rubber bands?  Balls of twine?  Newspapers?  Nah, I don't bother with them.

I've got at least a dozen yogurt tubs (quart size) and another dozen other kinds of plastic tubs for keeping left overs.  (I hate left overs, so why do I plan to torture myself, I wonder?)  Well I also know eating left overs proves I'm a smart dietician.  I have a drawer full of yogurt container lids.


  1. oh boy I am a saver too and I have a hard time smashing old pottery pieces, and the things I may need. Arkansas tried to tax us after we moved back to California, some states are messed up for sure.

    1. I have a bucket of smashed pieces of pots, thinking they'd make a great mosaic...someday. When will I learn!

  2. Oh it's a lovely bust! I can imagine that tossing it was hard but thank goodness you took photos! I try NOT to keep things I'll never use but even then I find things shoved into boxes years later. I certainly didn't get that from my mom...she was a purger! (is that even a word?) We save ALL our tax receipts...ALL...from when my husband first started farming! Crazy!

    1. I wish the tax receipts were all that I'd needed, cause I sure keep them. But proof of when I finally became a resident, with the emphasis on when I was still a resident of Florida (no state income tax) was what I needed. Golly, I have crates of papers...and HATE them.

  3. OH! It was sooo PERFECT! But I agree, I got rid of a ton of old stuff this week too...wrenching at first, but feels like a big BURP when its done: relief!

    1. I had no doubt that that bust was just perfect...but what was it with the clay cracking? Well, it was my first bust, and very very heavy on clay. Guess it's about time to make another one.


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