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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Clay Exhibit opens at BMCA this Friday

Student work and teachers work will be on exhibit starting this Friday at Black Mountain Center for the Arts. 

Holly Jolly is also happening in Black Mountain that evening, so all the shops will be open late, and families will be walking the streets to enjoy the free food and drinks the shops will be offering.

It's THE BIG holiday shopping adventure for a small town in Western North Carolina.

The students have been working in the clay studio for months to have a great exhibit, with a theme related to a Tea Party.  Our studio manager, Charles Freeland will jury the exhibit.

It's also a great chance to see work by the teachers at our community studio.  Look at BMCA Clay Studio Blog to have details about the teachers.

There are no details about the students, besides a great collection of talented individuals.  From teachers, to moms and dads, to retired folks and other professionals, these folks are the backbone of this exhibit. 

Look on this blog next week to see pictures of the work in the gallery, as well as the festivities this Friday night...6-8 pm.  Oh, did I forget?  The students will also be selling their work as a fund raiser for the Center for the Arts.  So come upstairs and find the bargains for presents for your loved ones!

I'm hoping this computer continues to cooperate so I can post those pictures.  Or I can at least go to the library and write about the party this Friday!  Or...maybe you'll be there also!


  1. Have a great time, hope your computer keeps on keeping on.

  2. have a great time, hope your computer keeps on keeping on

  3. That teapot is the cutest thing! Good luck Friday.

  4. The computer is "in the shop" as I speak (Thurs afternoon)...and I'm checking email and blog comments at the library. I'll do it again tomorrow, so please be there. And I'll read your blogs too!


Thanks for your comments...