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Thursday, September 13, 2012

"no such thing as mistake" pots

Beautiful drum form that Travis Fox made.  Unfortunately it cracked all over the place in bisque firing, so I used glue then sprayed it with some gold and sepia, and put a plate inside to keep the dirt at the high level...and planted the pretty purple mums which my friend Rosie gave me for my birthday.

Isn't that a pretty thing to see when I come home?

Geraniums are so bright and cheerful, and these plants have been wintered over inside for the last 3 years.  They even continue blooming in the winter.

Another potter friend's mistake of a casserole became a petunia again by Rosie, planter by Sarah.

Here my very own mistake of a pedestal fruit bowl became the base for the avocado and marigold pot.

Here's a very late season day lilly.  All the rest have been cut back after a very lush growing season, but landlady Susan decided to leave this pretty to be enjoyed.

I wasn't a diligent farmer this year, so my tomato plants didn't give me very much.  They needed TLC and instead were just observed as they survived, which was actually a surprise.


  1. I like your repurposing. It's funny how something looks likes mistake becomes something wonderful with a little thought.
    Late day lilies are so pretty....I have few in my garden.

    1. Thanks. The lilies are probably what will survive through anything! My tomatoes, not so much.

  2. Amazingly creative way to use those pots and love all your flowers. Your pendants in the previous post have so much detail, I love them. your tomatoes look great, I pulled up my plants they were scrawny and not so productive. I need to add more compost to my bins I think.

    1. Thanks for comment on pendants, and pottery and flowers! I'm pulling those tomato plants soon also.

  3. I think my comment was lost as I wasn't signed in, but what a creative use of all those post and your flowers lok wonderful, loved your pendants in the previous post, so much detail in them.


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