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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Blogs, beer steins and Bradbury.

A fellow blogger posted a great TED talk dance...posted June 6, 2012

Dancing with Light. This is the blog that posted it...The Manageable Life

I do enjoy a wealth of different kinds of information readinging blogs.  Here's another one I've just started following.  Good form, pots, & information!

I also must say how much I admired Ray Bradbury.  I read many of his books, mainly as a younger woman, and he helped inspire me to consider many diverse possibilities in the universe.

And I'm hoping Gary at garysthirdpotteryblog will ask me to join his blog's "beer mug challenge."  I have asked to be considered.  Here's my entry.  This beer stein is plenty hefty, and the amber glaze (and liner) turned a bit blue with the raspberry overglaze on the rim.  .5-1/2" hi, 3-1/2" diameter at bottom.

And another tidbit for Gary to consider is this cartoon case you didn't know, Gary does some amazing Godzilla things in clay.


  1. great mug and love the cartoon. Ha.

    1. Thanks Linda...haven't heard from Gary, so I posted it on Etsy anyway. Will take orders for them. Keep up the great handbuilding. You have a lot of patience as well as talent showing in your pieces.

  2. Apologies to all my followers this morning I had the instinctive need to make some simple changes, and of course one thing led to another. Hope it wasn't too disruptive, but I think this scheme will be it for the next little while.

  3. haha the cartoon at the end is priceless....i love mugs like that too...earthen...drinking out of one now...and bradbury was def an influence on me...smiles.

  4. One of the prettiest Iris I have ever seen, just love the soft lilac and white..
    Such a handsome beer stein, the glaze is just perfect.
    You a such a talented artist.

  5. Cool mug....but I adore the cartoon!

  6. Thanks Jo and Suzi...if you ever look back here to know I've read your comments. I appreciate them. I think the cartoon was on facebook. Oh the Purple Passionflower was gorgeous. Thanks!

  7. Hey Barbara, nice mug. Gary's not hosting a challenge, it's a show that the 3 of us are putting on together. You can see it at our joint blog:

    I was sorry to hear about Bradbury also. So much tallent.


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