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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Snowflake glazed flowers to shrines

Started making shrines about the same time I was testing John Britt's snowflake crackle glazes.  So it was inevitible that they would come together.

Flower three shrine

Flower three shrine detail

The orange tint  and yellow pollen come from Mayco stroke and coat glaze, as well as the shiney brown and black parts of the shrine.  The matt brown base is just red iron oxide wash.

Flower three shrine

Flower four snowflake glaze trials

Snowflake flower four

Base glazed with matt bronze green and Mayco stroke and coat, with some of the snowflake glaze coming down onto it.

Flower four detail

Why the base leaves for the flowers, you may ask?  Well, I wanted to dip the flowers, and then have them sit on something appropriate, thus the bases, which were not attached until the glaze firing, including on the shrine flower.

More shrines tomorrow!


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