I love craftsmanship, in many mediums, as you may well know by now.
And earlier today I received a lovely gift that was totally unexpected. I finally met Mike Brubaker, a fellow blogger who can be seen each week on Sepia Saturday's group of posts from all over the world.
His interests on his blogs are often musical instruments, or bands, or old postcards, or photos of people who hold instruments, and so on. I learn each week about something different.
So I finally met Mike and his wife who I had kind of met before (in her capacity as a volunteer tax preparer for AARP.) After they treated me to a lunch at one of my favorite Black Mountain restaurants (The Veranda), we came over to my apartment.
And Mike gave me this.
It's a beautifully turned bowl with an inlayed rim. as well as some detailed inlays of little dark woods in various places. As a potter, I looked for a signature, but there wasn't one.
...Mike/Santa, brought you a fabulous gift!