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Friday, February 7, 2014

Hi blog buddies

Just checking in with you.  I'm still not feeling 100%.  Let's see, I guess if the best day I've had in the last year were 100%, then I'd currently be at about 85%.  I'm very grateful for that.

I went to the studio downtown yesterday and glazed 4 mugs and 3 tops.  The glazed stuff will all sit around a while, it looks like.  Charles started firing a glaze kiln that had already been loaded before I got there.  And the bisque shelves look like there will be enough for a bisque firing soon.

It was 62 in the studio, inside.  In the 40's outside, but windy, so I got pretty cold, and started coughing, so I went next door to warm up, and get a cuppa, and use the facilities.  And stayed an hour.  I didn't plan to, but I had to run back to lock up the studio.  I felt bad about deserting my friends and my duties, but I had finally gotten so there wasn't that shivering somewhere inside.  Not quite to where my teeth chatter.  Just felt too cold to be comfortable. 

My coughing treatment is changed after seeing a specialist on Monday.  I'll let you know if it's successful.  If not, who knows what's next.  So for now I keep on keeping on.  Slogging through February.  Seems pretty much the approach I expected to have.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh winter is a tough one, best wishes for your health! There is something about making pots in winter that TOTALLY freezes your azz...and fingers and...all the rest of you!


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