The MudBuddies will be there, just as they were all 12 weeks (they did get rained out one Saturday.)
And this market is later in the day, 10-1, for you sleepy heads. (Or maybe if it's chilly, for you who don't brave the elements like we do!)
But you know "Aunt Martha, Uncle Joe, or Grandpa..." loves hand crafted pots. They'd much rather have something to cook in, or eat from, or drink from, or to hold the holiday bouquets which is HAND CRAFTED right here in Black Mountain.
Shipping? We can tell you where the best packing and shipping place is, right around the corner, and we don't get any kickbacks...but we also insure our pots and haven't had them break any yet.
Though there are limited numbers of mugs, I'll be bringing a couple of tubs of pottery to offer for your holiday gift consideration. I was amazed how many people said they had broken or lost their favorite mugs, when my home was open for the studio tour last week.
Oops, I forgot to say, I'm sharing this blog posting with MudColony's blog, which is only available for 2 more times! I'll miss you in blogland!
you are on a ROLL right now, all these gorgeous pots! funny, I made a covered cup with lid like the one you have up top there, sorta, just today! AND your photo, the covered pot? it has a ghostly YOU reflected on it I just noticed!