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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Monday, March 25, 2013

There be dragons...

The Dragon Mask, January 2013

Dragon Mask, side view, Jan 2013
I still am planning to apply something like spikes in the various holes around the mask...some variation of toothpicks probably!

1. Dragon Jar, March 2013

2. Dragon Jar and lid, March 2013

3. back of Dragon Jar, March 2013

I'm really tired of working with this grey background and the camera deciding to give it pink tints sometimes, green tints sometimes, and every once in a while behaving and making it look plain old grey.  I set the camera so it wouldn't do "automatic" and it still does it (on the light setting...where it can be daylight, incandescent, fluorescent, etc.)

So I've spent the last 3 hours taking about 70 pictures, keeping 30, and there's no consistency of the background color!  ARGH, as the pirates say!

So I'll ask other potters and maybe someone will have a suggestion about camera settings.  (Incidentally I use a Nikon Coolpix L810)  I was going to ask through Mud Colony but it's closed till Thurs.  If I haven't heard anything by then, I'll submit this post.


  1. DANG that is AWESOME! I esp. like the jar :)

  2. Thanks Gary...I know I put the mask up before. But still am not satisfied with the photos of it. Drat!

  3. On camera settings...I made a setting that held it at a white screen. It may have helped a bit.

  4. The color looks fine on my coputer -- everything looks great in fact. Like the dragon motif. -- barbara


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