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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

I'm ok again

Well, I heard a young potter talking about having said she was a potter for the first time today.

I remember having the same feeling several years ago.  I just figured if I made pots, sculptures, things with clay, that made me a potter.

Now I respect people who make their living as potters a lot more...the real professionals.  These men and women work with joy and determination, and obviously a high standard of quality of their work.

Not sure what I am in relation to professionals, though I often accept that as a retired counselor and activity director, I can now be a clay artist.

So my medicines for blood pressure have been changed.  And I went into the studio and started throwing some pots on Thursday last.  I've been returning each day since then...and feeling good about what I'm making.  I leave when I reach a stopping point, or when I'm tired.  And today I finished 2 pieces, and tomorrow will finish creating another one.

I also need to begin the glaze process for the dragon mask.

But mainly I think I'm ok again.  I want to work.  I have energy!

"People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."  Audrey Hepburn


  1. I have a friend who struggles with getting her blood pressure medication adusted right. I know it can be tricky. Hope you continue to improve.

  2. Great quote from Audrey; Gary's dad lived with us and when he came to us his blood pressure was so low all he wanted to do was sleep I slowly weaned him off of it and when he died seven years later, he never needed blood pressure pills again, not that you might not need them but medication should consistently be evaluated and adjusted, so glad you have your energy back again.

    1. Ah, the consistent evaluation of medication is the corker. But it reminds me to start writing down my BP readings daily again, so I can take them to pharmacist or doctors, my part of the equation. Thanks for your comment as always!

  3. I love that thought...if I make... than I am...

    Guess I felt like a "real" basket maker the first time I sold one, so maybe there's even more confirmation when that is all you do(sorry, but it's early and I'm only on my first cup of coffee:-)lol

    Regardless, your work is just lovely and I enjoy reading your blog!


  4. Great to hear, that you found your energy again... Just to get my hands into clay everyday has a heeling effect on me.

    I wish you a lot of energy and a good health.

    1. Yes to the healing energy of clay, or just doing anything creative! THanks for commenting.

  5. Great news! Happy that there was a good solution,

    1. It's a never-ending concentration these days, one thing or another in health!

  6. Replies
    1. Yep, already feels like I've started more than I'll ever finish.

  7. Glad you are feeling better, and happy to know you are throwing clay again!

  8. Hi, I arrived here, eventually from googling crone images :) I love the Audrey Hepburn quote. Looking forward to reading more.

    1. what an interesting journey to get here...and I'm going to check out crone images too!


Thanks for your comments...