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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mother and casserole

Nothing better than something home-baked in a hand built casserole dish.

Pale celedon glaze over white Little Loafer's clay.

No matter how many problems might have detracted from the idealism of my mother, she did some pretty wonderful stuff.

Recipes that I copied by hand or typed on 3x5 cards from her cookbooks when I was a teen, and I still have them in my own cookbook. 

Love of reading novels.

Interest in different and new ideas, especially regarding healing and spirituality.  But also science, thinking in rational methodology.

Stubbornness seems to run in our veins.

Love of growing things, nature, taking walks, animals, children and laughing.

I know I didn't appreciate all my mother was.  Very talented woman who worked hard for what she believed.

Here she is showing off the Mother-Daughter outfits that she made for us, in Dallas probably around the time I was 2 or 3.

Perhaps for mother's day?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, especially from someone who does blue and green glazes!

  2. Wonderful post this morning Barbara; love the photo of you and your mom! Precious memories!

    1. I appreciate your comments. Yes, it is good to be in touch with the precious memories.


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