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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Finally the pots out of the pit

I wish I knew how to load an album where I want it on my blog...but it kind of took over, and didn't give me instructions.  If you know this trick, could you send me the info, please?  So I don't have to upload all the pics, which takes forever here in blogger land!

So here are most of the pots out of the barrel pit kiln.

As always, when first observed, there are lots of flakes of various fire elements still on the pots.  Above is one of Sarah's pots.

The top of a little carved slab looks pretty dull, and has a piece of framing broken away.  However, on the under side (the top had been placed face down in the sawdust) there's a different view entirely.

What a lot of fun colorations here!

Below are my thrown vase, and a slab constructed vase, (one of two I had pit fired)

My larger slab constructed vase has two holes, as if it were able to be used over a fire by sticking either a stick or ropes through the holes.

Now I just have to clean them up.  My mind says I'd like to rub wax into the clay for a good smooth finish to bring out the colors.

Does anyone know where to obtain bees wax, or another natural (non-petroleum based) wax?

Charles has recommended Tongue Oil...but it doesn't appeal to me by just the sound of it.


  1. That album was in Picasa, and when it said upload to your just went ahead and did it, without my having any input. Bah!

  2. What fun to see these treasures emerge!

    1. Thanks, it really was exciting, especially since we didn't drive up the mountain to dig them out ourselves, but our mentor Charles, did go get them at Marsha's. I sat in the studio for an hour piddling around while waiting.

  3. Wow, those are quite interesting! You might find the bees wax at a craft store.

  4. What beautiful results you got, congrats! - They are just delightful.

    For beeswax i would visit the nearest beekeper if you got one. I´m so lucky that my father i law has a little bee farm so I can get honey for my tea and wax for my pottery.

    I just heat up the pots in the bakingoven, 100 degrees celsius will do, put on some thick workgloves and melt the beeswax on to the pots. It takes about 3-4 layers before they are saturated.

    So on you go and again, - beautiful beautiful pots :-)

    1. I'll ask around next week at the first TailGate Market here. Maybe someone will know a source of beeswax. Thanks! I love doing things locally.


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